Batterymaster UAE

10 Things You Need To Know Before Buying a Car Battery

Your automobile battery will eventually need to be replaced if you don’t update it every two or three years. According to the Battery University website. “One thing all batteries have in common is that when their capacity diminishes, they must be replaced.” In warmer climates like the United Arab Emirates, where battery life is put under more pressure, this is more applicable. Note that the battery’s lifespan is limited to 3–5 years, and it performs best between 20–300°C. The battery’s electrochemical performance will be permanently damaged if subjected to high temperatures regularly. The question we are answering today is the things that you should consider before buying a new battery. There are at least 10 elements that are the most important when you are buying a new battery: A Solid Warranty: In the absence of an uninterrupted power supply, you’ll want a battery that lasts for at least three years. A warranty protects you against any breakdown. The more costly (better quality) a product is, the longer the guarantee period. If you have the money, it may be a smart idea to invest in the batteries in Dubai. Reserve Capacity: When your automobile is not operating, the battery’s reserve capacity keeps the radio, interior lighting, your phone charger, and other navigational devices powered. Your battery should be able to do these things well. Climate compatibility: There are batteries specifically designed for colder or warmer climate, and they are often labeled “North” or “N” and “South” or “S” respectively. The latter has greater cold-cranking amps (CCA), which refers to the amount of energy required to start a vehicle in extremely low temperatures. This is not an important criterion in the United Arab Emirates. Battery Size: To accommodate the tray in the engine compartment, batteries are available in nine various forms and sizes.  Excessive vibration can soon wear out your new battery, so make sure it fits tightly. Check your vehicle’s owner’s handbook or contact a trustworthy dealer for advice on the best option. Battery Freshness: After six months on the shelf, batteries’ internal electrochemical components begin to deteriorate/discharge, hence they have a sell-by date. Don’t purchase a battery that’s more than a few years old. Maintenance: Batteries can still be “topped up” using distilled water, even though they are sealed in newer batteries. Modern sealed batteries eliminate the need for this. Depending on how old your vehicle is and your budget, you should probably get the “best” battery that you can afford. Battery Life: It’s a given that we want our batteries to have a prolonged life. For most things, you get what you pay for, but battery life can also be affected by the climate in which you drive, as well as other environmental elements like weather and temperature. High-Performance Batteries: Computerized technology and other high-tech add-ons need more electrical support in today’s automobiles. An AGM (absorbed or absorbent glass mat) battery are also necessary. This would be the situation if your vehicle is equipped with fuel-saving stop/start technology, as in when your automobile shuts off and restarts at traffic signals or wherever you stop. Off-Road Driving: Your SUV’s sealed battery should be firmly fastened in position, and the terminals should be covered to prevent the quantity of dust that might interfere with its conductivity when driving off-road. Reputation: Choosing a reliable dealership to replace your old battery will ensure that you get the finest battery for your car and your wallet. Invest as much as you can afford on this piece of equipment since you don’t want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere if your battery breaks down. You can contact Battery Master UAE for car batteries in Dubai, UAE. They have the best rates with impeccable quality and a customer support that is with you on all stages of the journey.

Three Things to Do When Your Car Battery Dies in the Middle of Nowhere

“Vrooooom!” The car engine starts. You finally start your much-awaited journey with your friends on a warm yet breezy summer day. You breathe a sigh of relief realizing you have finally made it after months of postponing and weeks of planning. Your friend plays the “Country Road Trip Songs” playlist on Spotify… With singalongs and refreshing chill drinks, the car slides through the tarmac down towards the destination. Halfway into the journey, your friend pulls over the car. All of you get to check what went wrong with the car. “Damn!” your friend shouts. The car battery is dead. You desperately look around to see if you could reach out to anybody nearby. But as far as you can see, there are only empty lands. So, what would you do if you were stuck in a situation like this? Whom would you ask for help? Incidents like these can be unavoidable, so it’s imperative that you think wisely and take the right actions. To give you some ideas on how you can help yourself in situations like these, we have listed three things to do: Jump-start the Car One of the best ways to start a car with a dead battery is to jump-start it. Ask any driver nearby to help you with jumpstarting your battery, which is one of the easiest ways to get your battery recharged. To do that, all you need is another vehicle with a good battery. Connect the jumper cables from your dead battery’s terminals to the other driver’s battery with a set of jumper cables. Jumpers should be connected in such a way that black connects to the negative terminal on the charged battery and a solid metal on your car’s engine, red connects to the positive terminals on both batteries. Once all this is done, start the engine of the vehicle with the charged battery. Allow it to run for a few minutes, and then try igniting your car. This way, you can easily resurrect your car’s dead battery and therefore start your car again. While carrying out this process, please ensure the positive and negative terminals don’t touch each other as it may cause a shower of dangerous sparks, and short-circuiting. Push-start the Car Say you don’t have any jumper cables, or even worse, couldn’t find any cars or trucks passing by. What can you do then? One option to try is to push or roll start your car. Here’s how you can do that. Mind you, this procedure only applies to vehicles with a manual transmission. To try this method, all you would require is two or more people to push the car. (One behind the wheel and one or more to push). First, insert the ignition key into the on position and put the transmission in Neutral gear. Now, ask the people that are ready to push the car to keep pushing it until it gains some momentum, or in other words, up until the vehicle reaches a speed of about 5-10 mph. Now release the clutch and shift to second gear and quickly engage the clutch. After a few unsuccessful attempts, the engine should turn over. Once the engine turns on, press the accelerator gently. Finally, shift into neutral and allow the engine to run for at least a minute before driving. But this method doesn’t work in all circumstances. Experts warn that a car that is parked on a hill should never be tried to push or roll start. Likewise, if a car’s battery is completely dead, there’s no use in pushing and roll-starting as it won’t bring it back to life. Moreover, manufacturers of some vehicles do not recommend push-starting them this way. To be on the safer side, always check your owner’s manual for any warnings. Call a Professional Auto Mechanic If trying to jump-start the vehicle didn’t work and you couldn’t push-start the car despite trying multiple times, it’s time you rang a professional auto mechanic for help. You can also book mechanics on any mobile app company providing remote mechanic services. Many insurance companies, car service centers, and even battery technicians offer roadside services that can be very helpful to people stranded because of breakdowns. These technicians will usually check the battery to see if it’s capable of starting the vehicle, and just in case they find the battery to be completely dead, they will offer a new one. Another important thing to note while calling a mechanic or somebody you know to your location is to try to make it easier for them to locate your place. To achieve this, make sure you get yourself near crossroads, mile markers, or any landmark that will be easier for them to find you. Being the UAE’s No. 1 networked battery store that provides 100% authentic batteries with the best builder warranty, BatteryMaster UAE guides you in choosing the right battery for your vehicle from a wide range of high-quality and affordable battery brands. Along with the usual protection coverage, BatteryMaster UAE also offers battery health check-ups to retain the well-being of your vehicle’s batteries and boost its functioning. And therefore, helps you avoid unexpected failures and breakdowns.  Whether it’s replacing or boosting your car’s battery performance, BatteryMaster UAE is capable and ready to assist, wherever, whenever. Book an appointment with them to simply buy the battery that fits in your car. They bring the workshop to you so that you can save your precious time. To contact BatteryMaster, visit their website at or call them at 00971 5663 31755

Five Signs That Your Car Battery Needs Replacement

Do you find it difficult while you start your car? If yes, perhaps your car battery needs a replacement. Your car won’t be able to perform most of its functions properly without a healthy battery. Being one of the critical components of a vehicle, batteries display warning signs to the driver if they are unhealthy. While some notice the warning signs early and take the appropriate measures, many drivers remain oblivious to the signs only to notice them when things get worse. Hence, we have listed five warning signs of a dead or dying battery that every driver should be cognizant of if they are to ensure the good health of their car and its battery. 1. Glitch in Electrical Components If your car window is taking longer to wind down or your radio is not playing as loud as before, or your headlights are getting dimmer, it is a clear indication that your car battery is not robust. One of the other indications is the dim lights on your dashboard, as either of these can be a sign that your battery charge is low. At times, instead of dimming, the lights will flicker, which could also be a sign that your car battery needs replacement. If you notice these components failing, it’s imperative that you get your car battery looked at or replaced. Dimmed lights in your car also mean that your car’s indicator lights won’t light up properly, which could be fatal for you and other vehicles on the road. 2. Corrosion and Leakage Smell A pungent, rotten egg-like smell from your vehicle is an indicator that your car battery is probably leaking. Another indication of battery leakage is corrosion around the battery terminal. Corrosions usually occur on the + and – cable connectors, which affect the current flow of the battery. Cleaning the corrosion doesn’t fix the issue completely. But it can act as a temporary solution to the problem. Also, failure to notice the leaking battery may cause the acid to eat away other engine parts, thus costing you more money to fix or replace it. So, once you notice the signs, you should check them as quickly as possible. 3. Difficulty in Starting Your Car A failing car battery can also cause a slow engine crank. This means, your car will take more time than usual to start, or the cranking of your engine has become sluggish. If you are not able to start your car with one simple turn of the key (or push button), then it’s certain that your battery needs charging. The engine, however, may slowly crank at times if the weather is cold or the car hasn’t been used in a while. In such cases, the problem might be sorted out automatically in a while, but still, if it doesn’t and the engine continues to crank slowly, it could be a warning that your battery will die soon. 4. Warning Light on the Dashboard Yet another easy way to see if your battery is functioning properly is to look at your car’s dashboard which allows you to identify fault components in your vehicle. Red warning signs are usually displayed on the dashboard if the car’s battery is running low or faulty, The battery warning light could also signify a problem with the alternator just like the check engine sign. But it doesn’t mean that these red symbols appear only because of problems with the battery. The dashboard can indicate problems with the various electronic parts of the car. And that’s why it’s highly recommended to get it checked immediately after you spot it. 5. Battery Life On average, a car battery can last between 3 to 5 years, but this will depend on one’s driving habits and conditions as some car batteries have been known to last longer than that. Even if your car doesn’t show any signs mentioned above, it is advised to get it replaced every two and a half years. Because, once your battery reaches its critical lifespan, your car might experience multiple problems, all at once. This could affect the components of your car severely and can put you in annoying situations. Yes, regularly replacing batteries might seem a bit costly at times, but it would be pretty convincing to you if you compared the amount you will have to spend in repairing the damages to unhealthy batteries. Being the UAE’s No. 1 networked battery store that provides 100% authentic batteries with the best builder warranty, BatteryMaster UAE guides you in choosing the right battery for your vehicle from a wide range of high-quality and affordable battery brands. Along with the usual protection coverage, BatteryMaster UAE also offers battery health check-ups to retain the well-being of your vehicle’s batteries and boost its functioning. And therefore, helps you avoid unexpected failures and breakdowns.  Whether it’s replacing or boosting your car’s battery performance, BatteryMaster UAE is capable and ready to assist, wherever, whenever. Book an appointment with them to simply buy the battery that fits in your car. They bring the workshop to you so that you can save your precious time. To contact BatteryMaster, visit their website at or call them at 00971 5663 31755